Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lewis Invitation Caricature

I am really proud of this latest piece and I looking forward 
Subject: Lewis Invitation

Hi Lars, Thanks for your message about a printer. I am on my way to a local printer today (Eagle Photographics) to have the image printed and to have another photo repaired. They are close to our house so a little more convenient.  I am thrilled with the picture. Thank You!  Will you please email me a receipt for the $600 picture and a receipt for the $200 deposit on the party appearance.  I am supposed to send all this to our party planner Sarah Fairbairn (One Fine Day Inc.).  She is looking forward to meeting you. Thanks again! I have attached a copy of the invitation for you to see.  I can’t wait to mail them out! Kathy

Lars Erik Robinson
LarsER Arts "All Around Art-Tainment"
"Celebrating 15 years of Service"
Cell: 1-727-422-0668
Studio/Home: 1-727-584-3726
Skype: wildcraz
Find Lars on the Following Links:

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