Friday, January 13, 2012

Dear God Lead Me thru these trying times!

Hello everyone!
I know this is not art related, but as you know I have a wonderful family that God has blessed me with. I am soo greatful for everything God has made for me in my life. The video really makes me take a step back at my self and see the whole picture of how I need to support my family with both love and  be the supportive husband and father God has called me to be! I can see how me taking a advanced Oil Painting portrait class with Thomas Fluharty to advance my artist trade might look as a wrong time issue, negative and even a selfish act. I am not sure if I have shared this with you, but I feel God has not only died for me, but has giving me a wonderful family that I am called to be the strong spiritual leader, and a gift to create art to build his kingdom here on his earth! I am also torn because even with these trying times we all have, we need to fight even harder to get work. I have been praying and asking the lord what to do, and I deeply feel I will be able to gloriful god (which I do in everything) and help support my family even more, by adding high end portraits to my portfolio! Please dear God help me, Amen!
P.S. Thank You to my wife for her constant support and love!  

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