Wednesday, November 13, 2013

David Gilmor thru the decades

Hello Everyone!
I am not sure who hears me out there, but for me it is really good for me to put down my thoughts and ramble on what is going on in my life. The whole family just went thru what ever stomach bug that is going around and we are now finally back to normal (are we really ever normal, I know for sure that I am not, that is ok!) There is always something else I am suppose to do around the house, do invoices, work on other assignments, but this morning I decided to finish a sketch I started of David Gilmor. I have been working on my portfolio for the upcoming Caricature Convention here in the Tradewinds St Pete beach. I know it is in my home town and I will save alot of money on travel, but I have extra pressures of the everyday routines as well. I was hoping to see if anyone as an extra macmini of mac laptop that I could borrow for about 4 days so I can do digital Caricatures at the con. Wacom will be there on monday showing of the new Wacom Companion, that is going to be fun! I mostly look forward to meeting all my other artist friends, net working, learning new trades etc. Ok I have to go back to cleaning house, but here is the latest sketch painting. Guess the medium it was painted in?


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