Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jim Carry got me thinking

After 20 years of being an artist, I realize even if I do a quick Caricature at a event, creating a large portrait, making story telling coming alive with my illustrations, murals, or even cooking at my secondary career as a chef, that I am a service person! I truly love to help others by entertaining or creating a memory for years to come by my gifts and talents. I am upset sometimes that after 20years+ I am still not able to do my freelance career Art full time, I don't recieve them large clients, or invest money in marketing and things don't happen right away. My faith is a Christian based faith that one day my savior will come back to give me the ultimate peace. I am called to spread gospel by leading as example of Jesus Christ, but I do not like push my believes on others and believe me I am not the poster child because I am a sinner, but once I became under the understanding that God Grace would take on all my sins by having his only son die on the cross, and take my sins and wash it all away! I feel now that I am older and see all the hurt in the world, the fighting over religious differences, people starving. I just pray for peace in this world and that if we all could just try not have hatred towards our neighbor, but we need to be active! If you did not want to hear me talk about the gospel truth, that is just to bad because I live for Jesus to glorify his kingdom. I hope you know I am always here for you if you have any questions as an artist that is  either just starting out or been established, I want you to not be hesitant to contact me to talk! Ok this video just got me motivated to write what was on my mind, and I sincerely hope you understand I strive to make those quality connections with people, so I can help them become what they really want in life, and therefore helping me become a better artist, father, husband, believer, but mostly making me do what I really love and that is to be servants heart and create my art to make dreams come true!
Some of new art

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