Saturday, September 24, 2011

Encouraging Words of Grace

It is always soo encouraging to read my pastors word and I perticulary like the mansion of the dogs following me like we want to follow our God! ! Thank You and god bless you pastor Randy!
My girl Jillian and son Sean

Friday, September 23, 2011

Christmas windows by LaarsER Arts

Christmas windows are great for the front of your store.

Christmas windows by LaarsER Arts

Christmas windows are great for the front of your store.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lars New Website, it has a lot of features Offcourse a portfoilio, About me, Testimonials, Client List, Quote request, Payment Options, Calendar, Lars Blog, FAQ, Frequent Asked Questions, self portraits, Caricatures by others! I always like to heasr input 


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Live Free Caricatures at the St Pete Pier

Come and see me every first and Third Sunday from 1-4 pm. At the St Pete Pier. Here is a sketch I did of Chuch at Men's Breakfast yesterday.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Live Caricatures - St. Petersburg Pier.vcs Download this file

Friday, September 9, 2011

Connection between Fathers


Sneak-A-Peak at a gift Caricature

I can't show the whole project, until after Saturday. But here is some the high lights from the final studio Caricature. I wish I was allowed a bigger budget, but the client did not mind seeing more of a outline type of art. I was up late soo I am hitting the sack, in the mean while have a great day! I love comments soo please feel free!
Read more on my new word press blog: Sneak-A-Peak at a gift Caricature

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ISCA Caricature Convention Scheduel

Convention 2011 at the Tradewinds Schedule!

2011 ISCA Convention Schedule
November 13th - 18th - St Petes Florida

Sunday November 13th
3pm - 8pm Registration & Check in at the Tradewinds Island Grand!
7pm - 11pm Ice-Breaker reception - Hello ISCA members!

Monday November 14th
8am - 9.30am Registration/Portfolio/Studio submissions
9am - 10am Welcome Breakfast & Keynote from President
10am - 10.30am 1st Time attendee ‘How it works’ run thru
10.30am - 11.30am Seminar: Uncle Lar waves his magic
12pm - 8pm Portfolio/Studio on display
1pm - 2pm Seminar: Angie Jordan Digital iPad

2.30pm ****Competition/drawing room opens for 24hrs availability!

4pm - 6pm Likeness competition
9pm - 11pm Live party Competition

Tuesday November 15th
9am - 11am Registration open
11am - Midday Seminar: Caricature 101 with Sean Gardner
12pm Vendor tables Open: Portfolio/Studio on display
2pm - 3pm Seminar: David O’Keefe - the life of a professional
4pm - 7pm Speed Competition
9.30pm - 10.30pm *ISCA Annual Business meeting & Elections

Wednesday November 16th
9am - 10am Registration open
11am - 12pm Seminar: Sculpture 101 with Johanna!
4pm - 5pm *GUEST SPEAKER Drew Friedman
8pm - 10pm VIP Gold Member reception with Drew Friedman

Thursday November 17th
9am - 4pm Final hours of open competition/drawing time
4pm open competition/drawing time ENDS!

ISCA Board members to review walls to check for infractions
5pm - 8pm Voting on artwork
9.30pm - 10.30pm Seminar: KICK Back with Uncle Lar

Friday November 18th
11am - 12pm GUEST SPEAKER Drew Friedman
2pm - 3pm Poolside Sketch club
5pm - 6pm Cocktail Hour with art auction items on display
6pm - 10.30pm ISCA Awards Banquet & auction

Details of which rooms and locations for the seminars etc will be made known at registration for everyone attending!

Slide show of some of the recent Live and Retail art

New video of Live Caricatures

Friday, September 2, 2011

Success steps

sketch for approval

Here is my idea of you your wife name:____? two kids in the back ground, Greek festival written on the bench, two dogs, church married at. qouta on your shirt, traveling bags with places been at. This is not the final. worked about 5 hours. soo far. This is the hardest park working on getting the likeness, and idea of themes and surroundings. Please let me know what you think, any changes etc. Thank You.  
This how tight I would like to paint the final?
Value $750

My Church is expecting a girl: GRACE CHURCH!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Randy Evans <>
Date: September 1, 2011 11:33:27 PM EDT
Subject: Words of Grace from Pastor Randy, September 1, 2011