Thursday, November 24, 2011

Conan The Barbarian

I just thought it would be fun to play with my Gouache paints tonight while watching the 2011 Conan the Barbarian. I always seem to over due the yellows! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and hope to hear from anyone soon, because I always like to hear feed back.

Happy Thanksgiving at Freedom Square

Happy Thanks giving here are some pictures of our Turkey and table setups at Freedom Square. Have a great gooble gooble day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Drawings of Lars E.R. at Isca Convention 2011

In this post are the drawings done of me, at the convention. I will also scan these pictures in soo I can post them on my website. In the meanwhile here they are for you to enjoy.

Nathan Did this one of me he knows I am crazy ) he doesn't know why he stuck someone behind me I think she keeped following me all the time soo he had her leaching on to me !) 100_1248
Jimmy from Orlando Fl. was the one that did a normal one of me...classic!100_1249
Now Jert got the award for best Caricature for this one of me... maybe I was painting alot (I hope) Jert is a very awsome artist!
My first iPad!100_1252
Lee Jackson did a couple and I was one of them , Thanks LEE100_1253
Paul from Sweden works as an artist for the Afternoon Blaget! I was soo happy to met a fellow artist and friend from my home country!100_1254_3 100_1255
Now Sran Gardner spotted my personalty, and with all my chatting (you all know I start talking crazy when I am tired) LOL
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Matt zitman drew this kind of freaky picture of me. I took it as if I was having to many post on twitter, so I closed down my Sendible account (programable tweets) for awhile, all because of this picture. (I have mixed feeling for this one, but I will get him back next year!100_1259
This one was done of one of the Masters (I don't remember the name please help me with that one thanks) This totally captures me and totally love it! 100_1260
Eve myles from Canada, had a whole under water them, and was included! Rock on100_1262
Beast draw me serving some sloop. he read on my face book that I am also a chef for a assistant living facility
there will be more on my

Lars ISCA Caricature Wall 2011

I just wanted to say I really enloyed my experience at this years ISCA convention at the Tradewinds on Clearwater beach, Fl. I learned alot, and I will never forget my experience and I already planning on the next one in Texas in 2012!

Picture of my wall at this years convention.100_1254 100_1218
I had to draw my friend Paul from sweden100_1176 100_1220
Scott, really strong black & white!
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Taka from Japan "I will have to get a better scan of his picture above really blurry"100_1174 100_1224 100_1245 100_1156 100_1225 100_1244 100_1206 100_1237 100_1243 100_1185 100_1182 Isca_couple 100_1222
The print came out really bad on the wall, but I spent a long time on this one! "Digital medium"100_1251 100_1234_2
See You all next year in San Antonio Texas! November 2011 for more information!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

LarsER Arts studio Closed for a working Vacation

I just wanted to share with all my current Clients I am working with. I am taking a working vacation until Monday the 21st. I am checking emails and taking in jobs, but studio will be closed for new production. Wish me luck at the Convention!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Michael C. Hall “Dexter”

Michael C. Hall “Dexter”

I needed to take a break last night from working on my current commission of a mexican migrant working passing the border. The client wants alot of changes, and Im lucky he wanted it digital. So I took a break and played around with my gouache of a current person "Michael C. Hall" "Dexter" he is some kind of serial killer on a show I do not watch and can't remember right now ( too lazy to look up, not important). I was trying to find a regular medium I really like with my water colors. The only thing I don't like in this piece is the greens are not working especially in forehead. I had things to do today, until 6pm which is the time the deadlne is on facebook: "caricaturama showdown 3000". I was reminded yesterday that to be carfule in boasting and I believe it all because of Jesus I have the power to paint and build the kingdom here on earth. My Paster Randy Evans from meansioned this while reading Acts 12:21 look it up but basically they talk about how this king Heron wore this really great and silver shiny shirt that made all the peoples think he was God, He took all that glory for him self and did not redirect towards our saviour Jesus. God made him die on the spot of tape worm eating him up! (I should have painted the Dexter serial killer like that)

1 Corinthians 10:31 - ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.’

Friday, November 4, 2011

Samples of Gift Caricature of a family in Munich Germany

I was contacted by the mother of the Father in this Caricature Illustration. I like the fact that she wanted traditional media and I am really enjoying the pen & Ink and water color as my traditional medium of choice. Mark Fredrickson once told me at the 2009 ISCA Caricature Convention ( which is coming up real soon here in my home town, more to follow), and that was that I should try to leave my line work in my work as much as possible because that was my strong point. I am trying to find a fine medium between the liniar work and more tones and values. due to the fact that it is a gift for Christmas everyone will have to wait to see the full final here are close ups that I liked.